Monday 23 March 2009

Recipe to Equipment Linking

An EPE (Equipment Procedural Element) is a an object whose class has the Type set as Procedural that is contained on a diagram where the diagram class Has the Type set as Normal.

If the EPE is also shown on a diagram whose class has the Type set as Procedural eg Recipe Procedure, Unit Procedure, Operation or Phase then it is deduced that it is a Referred or Shared EPE

An RPE (Recipe Procedural Element) is a an object whose class has the Type set as Procedural that is contained on a diagram where the diagram class Has the Type set as Procedural 

If the EPE is directly referred to by using a SymbolClone or a SymbolCopy special object in the Recipe Procedure and it's Descendants then it is shown as (Referred)
If the EPE is not directly referred to but is the parent of an EPE that is also the child of an EPE on an equipment diagram then is is shown as (# Sharing) where # is the number of equipment diagrams that have the EPE.

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